Accumulated Extramural Funding: $1,725,547.00
  1. "Investigation of Membrane Fusion Interactions of Enveloped Viruses using Magnetically-Labeled Liposomes". National Institute of Health (NIH), R15-AREA, ID: 1R15GM146194-01, Role: PI, $400,000.00, 2022-2025.

  2. “Synthesis of Petroleum-based New Dendritic Macromolecules for Designing Reusable Copper Catalysts to Promote Fundamental Chemical Transformations”. ACS-Petroleum Research Fund (PRF), ID: PRF # 65928-UR7, Role: PI, $70,000.00, 2022-2025.

  3. "One-Step Synthesis of Soybean Polyols Using Microwave Reactor: Method Development”, Kansas Soybean Commission, Role: PI, $49,000.00, 2022-2023.

  4. "Development of Magneto-Plasmonic Nanosensors for the Ultrasensitive Detection of Food-Borne Pathogens". United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), ID: 2018-07295, Role: PI, $145,015.00, 2019-2022.

  5. "Pilot Project: Development of HBPE-based personalized nanomedicine". Industrial Project, Role: PI, $50,047.00, 2020-2022.

  6. "Energy-Efficient One-Step Synthesis of Soybean Polyols for Technology advancement". Kansas Soybean Commission, Role: PI, $45,000.00, 2021-2022.