Teaching Teaching at Missouri State University (2023-Present) CHM 342: Organic Chemistry ICHM 343: Organic Chemistry IICHM 345: Microscale Organic Chemistry Lab Teaching at Pittsburg State University (2013-2023) CHEM 215: General Chemistry ICHEM 216: General Chemistry I LaboratoryCHEM 225: General Chemistry IICHEM 226: General Chemistry II LaboratoryCHEM 360: Introduction to Polymer Science and TechnologyCHEM 325: Organic Chemistry I CHEM 326: Organic Chemistry I LaboratoryCHEM 625: Polymer Synthesis and CharacterizationsCHEM 626: Polymer synthesis laboratoryCHEM 687: Polymers in NanotechnologyCHEM 720: Advanced Polymers CHEM 850: Inorganic and Architecturally Unusual PolymersCHEM 887: Advanced Biopolymers and Nanotechnology Group meetings are scheduled on Mondays every week.